Your Partner in Quality, Your Shield in Crisis.

Survey & Tally


We pride ourselves on delivering a comprehensive suite of top-notch survey services to our esteemed customers and clients. Strategically located in Karachi, our head office serves as the central hub for all our operations.

Our survey section specializes in:

  • Nautical and Engineering Consultancy
  • Pre-Insurance / Club’s pre-entry Condition Surveys of all types & size of vessels
  • Hull and Machinery Surveys of all types & size of vessels
  • Recommendations and Supervision of Repairs of Hull and Machinery
  • Third Party Damages including damages to Port Facilities such as Jetty / Quay, Fix and Floating Objects
  • Oil Pollution’s Cases
  • Injuries / Death investigations of Ships Crew of third party
  • On / Off-Hire Surveys of all types & size of vessels
  • Initial & Final Draught Surveys
  • Inspection of Ship’s Cargo, Cargo Gears & Cargo Spaces for fitness for loading/discharging of Bulk or Bagged Cargoes
  • Cargo Condition Survey during Discharging & Pre-Loading of Bulk, General & Bagged Commodities
  • Fire & property damage
  • Motor vehicle and electronic equipment

Our survey section comprises highly skilled professionals with extensive expertise in various aspects of the shipping industry. We have a perfect blend of seasoned seniors with 20-25 years of experience and ambitious juniors with 3-6 years of experience. This combination allows us to deliver top-notch services to our customers, leveraging the collective knowledge and skills of our team members.

Over the years, our company has established a strong reputation in the industry, built on a solid foundation of trust and reliability. Our history speaks for itself, and we take pride in being recognized as a reputable and trusted organization in the shipping sector.

Additionally, we are delighted to share that our esteemed group company AIV Private Limited, serves as a trusted local correspondent in Pakistan for all major & minor P&I Clubs.

Cargo Tally:

To mitigate the potential for disputes and discrepancies, cargo tally is divided in to two steps:

  1. Shore tally:  The tally process involves counting the number of bags loaded under each hook and recording the truck number for each load. This method ensures accurate and consistent tracking of cargo throughout the loading process.
  2. Weighment at Port Weighbridge: To accurately track the cargo being loaded onto the truck, the weight of the trucks is measured in their empty condition when they enter the port and again when they are loaded for return. The difference in weight between these two measurements is recorded on the truck notes, which serves as a certification of the amount of cargo taken out of the port.